Investor Relations & Corporate Communications Director, Sarantis Group

Ελένη Παππά

Eleni Pappa is an Investor Relations & Corporate Communications Director with 20 years of experience in the financial markets, 15 out of which within the Investor Relations field. She is a professional with a deep knowledge and know-how, having a solid financial and mathematical background. Her business acumen and experiences enable her to develop a communication strategy and consistent messaging that is in alignment with the Group’s corporate strategy and business objectives, addresses a broad set of audiences and ultimately contributes to corporate image and reputation building.


Ελλάδα: Βασίλης Κουτσαβλής, T: +30 210 6617777 (εσωτ. 129), Ε: [email protected]
Κύπρο: Δημήτρης Σοφοκλέους, T: +357 99148648, E: [email protected]
Ελλάδα: Άννα Γυπαράκη, T: +30 210 6617777 (εσωτ. 152), Ε: [email protected]
Κύπρο: George Loizou, T: +357 99 103323, E: [email protected]
Μαρία Σαγάνα, T: 210 6617777 (εσωτ. 307), E: [email protected]

Boussias Communications

  Κλεισθένους 338, 15344, Γέρακας, Αττική, Ελλάδα
  +30 210 6617777
  +30 210 6617778