Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Faculty Advisor AATCC Club, FIT NYC

Preeti Arya

Dr Preeti Arya is an Assistant Professor at the department of Textile Product Development and Marketing at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in NY. She teaches Textile Science, Textile Finishes, Textile Product Development and Performance Textiles. Her PhD. is in Textile Science and Technology and her area of research interests are sustainability in chemical finishes, textile processing, performance textiles, natural composites and closed loop textile production systems. Dr. Arya has presented research papers at several conferences and is always willing to collaborate with academic researchers and companies encouraging research and developments. Dr. Arya is a strong supporter and spokesperson of sustainable products, and practices in the textile industry.


Ελλάδα: Βασίλης Κουτσαβλής, T: +30 210 6617777 (εσωτ. 129), Ε: [email protected]
Κύπρο: Δημήτρης Σοφοκλέους, T: +357 99148648, E: [email protected]
Ελλάδα: Άννα Γυπαράκη, T: +30 210 6617777 (εσωτ. 152), Ε: [email protected]
Κύπρο: George Loizou, T: +357 99 103323, E: [email protected]
Μαρία Σαγάνα, T: 210 6617777 (εσωτ. 307), E: [email protected]

Boussias Communications

  Κλεισθένους 338, 15344, Γέρακας, Αττική, Ελλάδα
  +30 210 6617777
  +30 210 6617778